Complementary Colors
Summary: Primary pigments used to make complementary colors need to be selected with care to avoid hue biases that can thwart making as...
Complementary Colors
MAGNA: The History of Acrylic Solution Paint Part 2.
MAGNA: The History of Acrylic Solution Paint Part 1
Green Pigments
Solvent Safety in Simple Terms
Things Go Better with Oxygen
International Klein Blue
Proper Art Material Labeling Issues
Cave Dust and Gold – Realgar and Orpiment
Studying Impressionist Technique at the Musee d’Orsay
Obliterating “Fine” from Fine Art
The Spoils of Our Labors - Indanthrone Blue
Again and A”Gahn” - A Human Invention Machine
Plein Air Painting Evolution
Ultramarine Blue - A Historical Reassessment?