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Art Materials Questions and Answers:

An abundance of bad "information" about art materials is shared on social media and various art websites. Unfortunately, an amazing amount of it is either horribly wrong or only partially correct. Many "urban legends" and bad science concepts are readily found and fermented on art-related websites.

This section is composed of edited extractions from various website sources that provide both misinformation and sometimes a bit of sound advice. No author or website attributions are listed and most of the text is rewritten to shorten long, rambling ideas.  Editing also allows ideas to be conveyed without any means of tracing the information back to specific individuals.

The intent is not to shame or chastise anyone, but rather to educate and avoid the pitfalls that await artists who follow unsound advice posted on many websites.

The goal here is to inform the reader about what is being shared that is incorrect and provide annotations that give guidance and sound advice on the proper use of art materials.

Website comments will be in black text.
My comments/annotations will be in italics and the text will be blue.

Click on the Image of the Paint Tube below             to open the page with the subject of the Q&A

Primary Colors
Solvent Safety
Coming Soon
Painting Over Old Oil Paintings
Saving Paints for Future Use
Reuse of Old Painted Panels
Priming Canvases
Color Mixing
Preparing Large Paintings
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